Sunday, March 10, 2013

Homework and Hakuna Matata

     Hello! Let me tell you a little bit about me! So I love dance, music and glitter! I believe life should be full of fun! Step on the ones bringing you down! When someone is drowning don't let them take you down with them! But sadly there are many people like that in the world. That is exactly why we must focus on the good in the world. Don't be someone who drags the other down with you!
     Enough with the sad and depressing stuff! That's why I created this blog! Fun and glitter-filled posts every week! Or if we are lucky I can get on and post them more than that!
     So my week has sucked pretty much! I mean the first couple days were great but then everything started to go downhill! Friday I had a party till late at night! It was so much fun but when I got home it slapped me back into reality that i have a butt load of homework! I mean I swear teachers hate us and by showing it they send homework! I mean we should be saving trees! Hello! Think of how many of the little animals you killed just by giving me 30 problems in math! I mean it's bull crap! If you know that we can do it them whats the point! But anyway we cant get ride of homework, because kids aren't that important to make decisions about our own things!
      So this week I have been working on a huge project and if I don't finish it then i get an F! I am a fairly good student if you count A's and B's as good. But I was also just told I have another big huge project for the whole Middle school that needs to be done in a month! O MY HECK!!!!! I will never get a break! Oh well back to work it is!
      Now this is the part of my post that I say the good in life! So yesterday I watched the Lion King!!!! My Favorite Movie of all time! I am a huge Disney Fan! No scratch that! My life long dream is to live next to Disney World. Go there every day! Every summer and winter go on a Disney Cruise. And have a vacation home next to Disney Land! I know all the movies! I can quote them all! And I know everything there is to know about Disney! (My favorite book series is also Kingdom Keepers!) I LOVE DISNEY!!!!!!!!
     So anyway I was watching the lion king and I swear I cried five times!!!!! I haven't seen that movie since we lost it which was like five years ago. I love the part where Mufasa says "Simba, you have forgotten me."
And Simba replies "No, how could I?"
     "You have forgotten who you are and so you have forgotten me. Look inside yourself Simba, you are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life."
     "How can I go back. I'm not who I used to be."
     "Remember who you are. You are my son the one true king. Remember who you are!"
After that part I was bawling my eyes out! It's so sad and at the same time it touches you so deeply!

       I am also such a cry baby when it comes so sad movies! But it showed me that I need to stay true to myself. Another great quote from that movie is "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the from way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it. -Rafiki" I also love that quote!
       I have to get going but below I have posted some pictures of my favorite Lion King moments.